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    Junior Tennis

    Ratoath Tennis Club have an active program for juniors which is run through our Tennis Academy and which includes:

    • Group Coaching for Juniors from 5yrs and up to 16yrs old and for every level of ability
    • Squad Coaching for Juniors of various levels
    • Juniors Performance Squad Coaching
    • Juniors High Performance Squad coaching

    We also have a fun evening every Monday for the younger kids (<13).  You can read more about this here: Getting Started – Junior Social Tennis.

    Long Term Player Development Pathway

    In accordance with Tennis Ireland recommendations, Ratoath Tennis Club and the RTC Coaching Committee support and promote the Long Term Player Development Pathway which seeks to develop players in a linear path based on age and physical ability:

    • Phase 1: NURTURE: 0 – 5 years – Basic Agility, Balance and Coordination. Fundamental movement skills for all sports – the A,B, C’s of tennis.
    • Phase 2: EXPLORE: 6-9 years – Tennis skills introduced to compliment previously taught movement skills with an emphasis on fun. Use of low pressure ‘Red Ball ’ and ‘Orange Ball’ tennis balls to help develop basic techniques within a reduced court playing area.
    • Phase 3: ENCOURAGE: 9-12 years – Tennis skills become more refined and children move on to ‘Green Ball’ playing the full sized court and eventually on to ‘Yellow Ball’ (the traditional standard tennis Ball).
    • Phase 4: ENHANCE: 12-16 years – A crucial phase in most young people’s development as their physicality changes. This phase provides young players with an opportunity to begin regular drill training with a view to the development of aerobic and strength conditioning while all the time maturing as a player and grooving their existing techniques.
    • Phase 5: CULTIVATE: 16-18 years – Traditionally one of the hardest phases in sport to keep young people interested and motivated. Individual and event-specific training to optimize fitness preparation for competitions and tactical awareness. Players perform as individuals and also as part of their club team in competitions and even in DLTC leagues (Dublin Lawn Tennis League).
    • Phase 6: PERFORM: 18yrs + – Players now move on to training for competitions and learning how to peak for these major tournaments with relatively high intensity training sessions followed by frequent periods of rest. Physical training is also core to this phase as are the areas of tactical awareness, strategy and sports psychology.

    Not all players make it to National or international competition levels, but for many young people the experience of a disciplined physical regimen, coupled with a strong mental ability to focus on a given task or a set goal, is a life-skill that will stand to them for many years to come.

    Hopefully these young people, whether they become international tennis stars representing their country in Davis Cup, or battling their way up the rankings, or just heading down to the local tennis club a couple of times a week, their interest in playing this fun and challenging sport will never fade.

    For more information on our Junior Tennis Program please contact Darren McComiskey ( our Tennis Academy Coach. For all other coaching queries please contact our Committee by emailing
