Coaching - Rules
It is important to be familiar with the Coaching Rules and Regulations before you commit to any lessons.
- Coaching lessons need to be booked and paid using the Online Coaching system
- Coaching lessons need to be paid upfront before each term of lessons begin
- Members will be prioritised into coaching lessons before non-members
- Refunds, Credits and Deferrals will NOT be given for lessons not attended for any reason or under any circumstance
- Discounts will not be given
- Persons arriving late (latecomers) into lessons due to scheduling and through no fault of their own, having missed some lessons, will be allowed to pay pro rata for the remaining lessons in the term once confirmed with the coaching team
- If lessons have NOT started and a person notifies the Club and the coach that they cannot attend the term due to valid reasons, and if they have paid the full amount, then a full refund will be given. Contact the Club by emailing enquiries@ratoathtennisclub.ie
- A class will only be cancelled due to weather conditions or if the coach is unable to attend. Persons due to attend the class will be notified in advance of the cancellation via the coach’s WhatsApp group. The class will be rescheduled
- A class will go ahead regardless of the number of attendees, even if this is only one. Those who fail to attend for whatever reason will miss the lesson and it will NOT be rescheduled
- Members will be billed for unpaid coaching lessons
- Members and Non-members who have not paid the full amount for a previous coaching term will not be permitted attend further coaching lessons until the amount for the previous term has been fully paid