Child Protection
Ratoath Tennis Club has adopted and implemented the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport as set out by Tennis Ireland as an integral part of club policy on children and club membership.

Deputy Liaison Officer
Emma Clarke Conway

Male Children Officer
Dave Kelly

Female Children Officer
Claire Donnelly
Upon joining the Club or renewal of membership, all members agree to abide by the Club’s Child Protection Policy and Codes of Conduct. These policies and codes are set out below and all members and their children should read and become familiar with them.
Ratoath Tennis Club is not responsible for providing adult supervision for children other than at organised junior coaching, junior camps and junior tournaments. Ratoath Tennis Club does not accept responsibility for juniors that arrive at the club to play on their own. It is strongly recommended that if children are playing in the club independently of the club’s organised activities that a parent/guardian stays with them for the duration of the activity. Please refer to club rules regarding supervision of juniors.
The club’s child protection officers are available should any member have any questions or require any assistance in relation to child protection in the club.
Please find below our policies and forms.
- RTC Child Safeguarding Statement
- RTC Complaints Procedures
- RTC Incident Forms
- RTC Reporting Procedures
- RTC Code of Conduct – Coach
- RTC Code of Conduct – Committee
- RTC Code of Conduct – Junior
- RTC Code of Conduct – Parent/Carer
- RTC Code of Conduct – Tennis Leaders
- RTC Antibullying Policy
- RTC Roles & Responsibility of DLP
- RTC Roles & Responsibility of Children’s Officer
- RTC Transporting Young People
- RTC Trip & Medical Consent Form
- RTC Traveling Consent
- RTC Adult Supervision of Children’s Activities